VgaGames 3 - No tutorial: panzer

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No tutorial: panzer

The real game panzer accumulates all.

There are four tanks. Their shots bounce off from walls and so change their direction.

It is a game for one to four players. They can be locally connected or play over network.
Missing players will be taken over by the computer.

The game uses a background, which can be larger than the window, so the focus is centered on the player's tank.

For textual information multi-language will be used.

The system-menu will be called by the escape-key.
It also contains an individual menu for an instruction text and for entering a personal network-name.

At the beginning a short film is shown.

The objects are VgaGames3-objects:
- the background with the walls as one object
- the tanks
- the shots of the tanks as a child-object of the tanks

With ALT+Q the game will be immediately quit.
With P the game is paused.
With TAB an information-text is shown for the tanks.
With ESC the system-menu is being called.
Moving the tank is by default be done by the cursor-keys, fireing by the space-bar.

The files:

It is the main-program.

After playing an intro-film, the system-menu is created:
- read in from file saved values (mymenu.c:mymenu_readfromfile())
- create exit-menu, volume-menu, then an individual help-menu (mymenu.c:mymenu_insert_help())

Then a demo is being played (misc.c:show_demo()).

Before starting the game, the number of players is being asked with their input-devices
and whether local or network game (plysel.c:player_select()).
Then for the selected input-devices the saved or default keys are set in the system-menu (keys.c:menu_insert_input()).

If using network:
- the individual menu for entering the network-name is inserted (mymenu.c:mymenu_insert_network())
- you are being asked whether you are the master, then the connection is opened (nw.c:network_connect())

The collision-quadtree is created with dummy-size.
The background-object is created which recreates the collision-quadtree with correct size.

Missing players become computer-players.
Then the player-objects will be created.

The background-music is started.

Now the game-loop comes:
- checking key-strokes
- objects are moved (obj-*.c and objobj-*.c)

At the end the actual key-settings are saved.

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