VgaGames 3 - Video man-pages

[.. upper level ..]


[added in version 1.2]

Set or remove default double-zooming of fonts when using VGAG3_VGAVERSION_HIGH.
int VG3_font_highdouble(struct vg3_window *wstruct, int flag)

wstruct Window-struct
flag 1 = set, or 0 = remove, or -1 = no change

Returns the previous value: 1 or 0.

Using VGAG3_VGAVERSION_HIGH could have two purposes: - reduction of item-sizes to display a larger play field - better resolution, more colors, but no reduction of item-sizes Anyway, the fonts are displayed smaller because of higher resolution. Using VG3_font_highdouble() the fonts can be displayed in double or normal size. The default value is 0 = normal size (displaying smaller). To use a font explicitly in double size independend of the setting of VG3_font_highdouble(), a "+" must be appended to the font-name, e.g. "8x8.font+". To use a font explicitly in normal size independend of the setting of VG3_font_highdouble(), a "-" must be appended to the font-name, e.g. "8x8.font-".