VgaGames 3 - System-menu man-pages

[.. upper level ..]


Insert a sub-menu with volume-entries into the system-menu.
void VG3_sysmenu_simple_volumemenu(struct vg3_sysmenu *sysm, struct vg3_sysmenu_submenu *submenu, const char *infoall, const char *infosound, const char *infomusic, const char *infospeech)

sysm System-menu-struct
submenu Where to put it: sub-menu or NULL = main menu
infoall Short description text for menu-window for the main volume
or empty string = no text
or NULL = skip entry for main volume
infosound Short description text for menu-window for the sound volume
or empty string = no text
or NULL = skip entry for sound volume
infomusic Short description text for menu-window for the music volume
or empty string = no text
or NULL = skip entry for music volume
infospeech Short description text for menu-window for the speech volume
or empty string = no text
or NULL = skip entry for speech volume

Insert a filled volume sub-menu into the system-menu. The menu is inserted into the sub-menu submenu. This menu consists of four volume-entries, which can be individually disabled. So the volume of each volume-group sound, music and speech can separately modified, also the main volume.

VG3_sysmenu_simple_exitmenu() VG3_sysmenu_simple_windowmenu() VG3_sysmenu_simple_keyboardmenu() VG3_sysmenu_simple_gcmenu()