VgaGames 3 - System-menu man-pages

[.. upper level ..]


Insert a gamecontroller-/joystick-entry into the gamecontroller-/joystick-menu
of the system-menu for a single gamecontroller/joystick.
void VG3_sysmenu_simple_gcentry(struct vg3_sysmenu *sysm, struct vg3_sysmenu_submenu *submenu, int jid, int gcref, const char *gcname, int gcidx, const char *info)

sysm System-menu-struct
submenu Where to put it: sub-menu or NULL = main menu
jid Joystick-ID
gcref Arbitrary reference number for this entry, e.g. specifying its action
gcname Description for the key
gcidx Button or axis:
- for gamecontrollers: one of the values of VGAG3_GCS
- for joysticks: joystick-input-keynumber (starting from 1)
info Short description text for menu-window for this entry
or NULL = no text

Insert a gamecontroller-/joystick-entry into the gamecontroller-/joystick-menu of the system-menu for a single gamecontroller/joystick. The entry is inserted into the sub-menu submenu, which should be the gamecontroller/joystick sub-menu. This gives the possibility to redefine the key. This function has to be called for each key which could be redefined and for each gamecontroller/joystick. According to the joystick-ID this entry is inserted into the sub-menu of the appropriate gamecontroller/joystick.

VG3_sysmenu_simple_gcmenu() VG3_sysmenu_getkeyval()