Helper commands below bin/.
- vgagames3-config
Script for compiling games with VgaGames3.- vgagames3-config --cflags CFLAGS for c-compiler - vgagames3-config --libs LDFLAGS and LIBS, needed libraries, for c-compiler, with fixed path to the VgaGames3-library - vgagames3-config --extralibs Additional libraries for c-compiler without the VgaGames3-library - vgagames3-config --prefix PREFIX, installation prefix, where the VgaGames3-library is installed - vgagames3-config --version Version of the installed VgaGames3-library in the format <maior release>.<minor release> - vgagames3-config --version-maior Version of the installed VgaGames3-library in the format <maior release> - vgagames3-config --version-minor Version of the installed VgaGames3-library in the format <minor release> - vgagames3-config --copylocal Using this flag creates a directory vgag3 into the current path and copies all needed files of the already installed VgaGames3-library into it. So the game can be executed on another computer, where the VgaGames3-library is not installed. The game must be called from the parent-directory of vgag3 and must not change it with chdir(), because searching files is relative below vgag3.
- vg3-objfunc-create-cfile
When using VgaGames3-objects.
Must be used to create ofunc_new() from get-functions (init_dest_*(), getofc_*(), getoofc_*() and getofmgmt_*()):Scans recursively from current directory c- and c++-files for get-functions - to declare an initialization/destruction function void init_dest_*(int) (where the integer-parameter will be 1 for init and 0 for dest) - to set struct for object-functions void getofc_*(struct vg3_ofunc_objfunc *) - to set struct for object-to-object-functions void getoofc_*(struct vg3_ofunc_objobjfunc *) - to set struct for -object-managing-functions void getofmgmt_*(struct vg3_ofunc_ofmgmt *) Writes to stdout: c-file with function for initialization: ofunc_new()
- vg3-convert-image
For converting image-files (.bmp).
Useful to convert to the actual colormap,
to replace transparent pixels (0x000000) to black pixels (0x010101)
and to replace pixels of arbitrary color to transparent pixels:Usage: vg3-convert-image [<options>] <bitmap-files or directories> Converts found bitmap-files according to colormap and replaces transparent pixels into black pixels. Options: -c: use standard colormap (missing: no colormap) -C: read colormap from stdin (Format: up to 256 lines with pixelcolors (0-255): <red> <green> <blue>) -n: don't convert transparent to black pixel -N: convert just VGAG3_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, not real transparent pixels, to black pixels -y: don't ask for confirmation -t <color>: convert <color> pixels to transparent pixels <color>: 0x<rr><gg><bb> -a <alpha>: convert pixels with less equal <alpha> to transparent pixels
- vg3-text-with-images
For creating and saving an image containing text and images.Usage: vg3-text-with-images [<options>] <text-file> Create [and save] an image from a text. Options: -f <fontfile>: name of font-file (optional) -c <color>: foreground color (0x<rr><gg><bb> or 0=transparent) -b <color>: background color (0x<rr><gg><bb> or 0=transparent) -W: window version high The text may contain formatting entries according to VG3_text_with_images(): %[<entry>] Refer to VG3_text_with_images()
- vg3-nw-server
For starting the network-server (and multicast-/broadcast-server) manually.Usage: vg3-nw-server [<options>] Start, stop or restart network-server and multicast-/broadcast-server. Options: -a <action>: "start" or "stop" or "restart" or "loop" - start: start server once if not already started - stop: stop server - restart: start server once (kill running server) - loop: start server looping (restarting if ended) -p <port>: server-port (optional) -n: (not for action=stop) don't start multicast-/broadcast-server -f: (not for action=stop) run in the foreground Refer to VG3_nw_server() and VG3_nw_mbcast_start()